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The Curious Incident of the dog in the night-time

I read  The Curious Incident of the dog in the  night-time. So I will introduce this by using some quote.
1.He was asking too many questions and he was asking them too quickly. They were stacking up in my head like loaves in the factory where Uncle Terry works.
When people volley a series of questions at the narrator Christopher Boone, his brain can’t keep up. The questions stack up too quickly, and his brain short-circuits. Here, Christopher explains that he needs time to process each question logically. The way Christopher’s brain works makes everyday conversations, especially heated ones, especially difficult for him. Christopher ends up feeling overwhelmed and oftentimes resorts to groaning to block out the sensory overload. Christopher’s stressed response to social disorder limits his ability to handle confrontation throughout the book.

This will not be a funny book. I cannot tell jokes because I do not understand them.
 Christopher’s autism limits his ability to participate in one of the most crucial ways in which humans begin bonding: humor. As Christopher introduces himself in the beginning of the book, he plainly states that he does not understand humor and therefore his book will not be funny. Statements like these create sympathy and endear Christopher’s character to the reader. Clearly, Christopher’s mental disorder doesn’t hamper his self-awareness. Ironically, throughout the book, Christopher’s insights into the people around him, and his reflections on the frailties of human beings, create an unintended effect of making the reader laugh in recognition.

Father said that he didn’t know what kind of heart attack she had and now wasn’t the moment to be asking questions like that.
 Christopher’s father has just given Christopher devastating news: Christopher’s mother has died of a heart attack. Instead of being overwhelmed with emotion, Christopher’s brain immediately begins to process the facts logically. His mother eats healthily, keeps herself physically fit, and is only 38 years old, whereas heart attacks usually happen to older people. Christopher does have the ability to feel sad, but his neurological difference focuses him on logic first. Christopher’s father makes an attempt, however futile, to help Christopher process her death in emotional terms.



HENRY AND MUDGE in Puddle Trouble

Henry knew it wasn't his snow glory.He knew it wasn't anybody's snow glory.Just a thing to let grow.And if someone ate it, it was just a thing to let go.Henry stopped feeling mad.(p18) Today I read HENRY AND MUDGE in Puddle Trouble. Henry and Mudge are very good friends with each other. This story makes me happy. So I recommend it. Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble 著者 : Cynthia Rylant 発売日 : 1987 ブクログでレビューを見る»

John F. Kennedy (Chapter1)

This week, I am in charge of chapter 1 of John F. Kennedy. In chapter 1, it is mainly about his attraction, so I am going to write about his attraction, quoting from the book.  John F. Kennedy died more than fifty years ago, but the world still remembers him. There are many books about him, and in 1991 Oliver Stone made a film, JFK, about his death. Important buildings and other places carry his name. Perhaps the most famous is the John F, Kennedy International Airport in New York, but there is also the John F, Kennedy Space Center, John F, Kennedy University, and many schools.   I only knew John F, Kennedy International Airport, so first time I read and fine it there are such big number of buildings and books about him, I was really amazed.   The government of Canada even called a mountain by his name: Mount Kennedy in the Kluane National Park in the Yukon.  It is very interesting that John F, Kennedy influenced even how foreign people call their own country’s mountain.   He was also


Hi, My name is Ryota Koga. I’m 19 years old. And I’m from Saga pre.  So, I’m gonna talk about my hobby. I like watching movies. Even if I am bored, I can watch movies and feel happy. Especially, I’m literally nothing to do because of COVID-19 so I’m into it right now. Recently, I watched The Sixth Sense.  It was totally breath taking one! I definitely recommend this if you like watching movies (and you’ve never seen this).  So, this year, I’m going to try my hand at something new. For example, try some tests like TOEIC, go abroad and or so. But I don’t even know if I can try these things because of COVID-19. However, I believe light at the end of the tunnel and we’ll all get through this together.