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4月, 2020の投稿を表示しています


Hi, My name is Ryota Koga. I’m 19 years old. And I’m from Saga pre.  So, I’m gonna talk about my hobby. I like watching movies. Even if I am bored, I can watch movies and feel happy. Especially, I’m literally nothing to do because of COVID-19 so I’m into it right now. Recently, I watched The Sixth Sense.  It was totally breath taking one! I definitely recommend this if you like watching movies (and you’ve never seen this).  So, this year, I’m going to try my hand at something new. For example, try some tests like TOEIC, go abroad and or so. But I don’t even know if I can try these things because of COVID-19. However, I believe light at the end of the tunnel and we’ll all get through this together.