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10月, 2019の投稿を表示しています


This week, I read GOODBYE MR HOLLYWOOD. I like to read mystery book. So I was able to enjoy this book. Hi I’m Jan, she said. Do you remember me?We met at a party. (p3.) In this point, young beautiful girl speak to Nick. But he doesn’t know who is she. This sene is very mysterious. The man’s hand came out of his pocket-with a gun. ‘This is for Anna!’ he shouted. (p32.) In this point, the men with white hear was gonna kill Nick. This sene makes excited! ‘I’m not hungry,’he said. And he walked quickly out of the restaurant.(p40.) In this point, young beautiful girl speak to Nice while he eats lunch.But he get out of the restaurant, because he was almost killed by the men because of young beautiful girl who speak to him. This is his trauma lol.


This week I read LOTTERY WINNER. One day, Emma is snatched her bag…. I’m gonna show you three quotes. Suddenly, Emma heard something behind her. She did not have time to look, because just then somebody ran up behind her, hit her on the head, and snatched her bag out of her hands.  ( p1. ) In this time, Emma was stolen her bag. When Jason got home, his mother was very excited. We saw you on the news last night, she said. With your cheque for five million pounds. You are rich and famous! ( p17. ) Yes, Everybody loves a winner. This sene is very Impressive. But is it Mr William’s money? Mrs Emma Carter says that it isn’t. ( p37. ) So who’s gonna win? This is controversial! I think he is not very kindly. The lawyer is not following him, and the woman isn’t shaking with him. Who is the winner if whether the win lottery’s owner?

Red Roses

This week, I read Red Roses. Its level is little bit low, I suppose. But the cover was beautiful so I chose it. The story was also beautiful and so sweet. I’m gonna introduce you some quotations. The young man looks at her and smiles, and suddenly Anna’s face is pink.(p.2)  In this point, A main character  Anna loved at first sight of a young man who was carrying a bunch of white roses. And the young man Will also thought “She’s nice!” I’m sorry, Vicki, says Anna. I can’t come to your party, because I’m not feeling well.(p.16) In this point, Anna’s friend Vicki invited Anna to a party which Will participated. But Anna wasn’t able to join. Both of them can’t meet although they look for each other. Then they are outside the apartment building. They get out of the car, and then they begin to talk at the same time. (p.21) In this point, they rode in a car coincidentally. And got out of the car, they realized who they are each other. It was second time to meet. This is very p
Groumit looked away sadly. He went into kennel, and put tow or three of his most important things into a red and white bag. Before he left, he took an old photo of Wallace in his handsand looked at it for a minute or two.(p15.)  The afternoon they took the penguin to the police and the police put him away in a very strong building for a very long time. That evening Wallace and Gromit sat in the front room. They were friends again.(p37.) I have watched Wallace and Gromit TV series long time ago. But it was first time to read it and its story was so new to me. So I was able to enjoy it. You can learn friendships through reading this story. I definitely recommend it. Dominoes, New Edition: Level 1: 400-Word Vocabulary The Wrong Trousers (Dominoes: Level One) by Unknown(2010-07-18) 著者 : Unknown Oxford University Press 発売日 : 1872 ブクログでレビューを見る»