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12月, 2019の投稿を表示しています


This week I read Titanic. I’ve seen this movie before so I was able to read it with ease. So, I’m gonna show you three quotes. It was 269 meters long. At the same time , the tallest building in the world was only 229 meters.  When I read this line, I was very surprised because it was bigger than I have expected. In 1898, Morgan Robertson wrote a book called Futility, or The Wreck on the Titan. The book told the story of a ship crossing the Atlantic. It hit an iceberg and sank. Almost all of passengers died because there weren’t enough lifeboats. Six years earlier, in1892, William T. Stead wrote From the Old World to the New. In that story, too, a ship hit an iceberg and sank. Another ship picks up the survivors. The captain’s name was E.J.Smith-the name of the Titanic’s captain. Twenty years later, Stead traveled on the real Titanic. He didn’t survive. This is quite strange isn’t it!? Titanic sailed for the first time in 1912!!! The different classes didn’t mix on the ship.